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After putting music on the back burner since 1998, I’m ready to take over the world by way of kickass new flavored old school dirty, dirty rock ‘n roll.
Solo artist and by that I mean writer, producer and everything else, except mixing and mastering. Terry takes care of that. And the album art. My wife does that because she’s an amazing artist. I do everything else, either because I roll hardcore or I have no friends. It’s hard to tell.
I’m a grown up, or at least I look like one, I have a wife who is my inspiration and a daughter who is the centre of my universe. Born in South Africa, dwelling in England with a heart that belongs to Canada, I occasionally do cool stuff like release some music. Beer is important. Do not underestimate this.
If I have to pinpoint the major influences on the music as it’s produced, it’d have to be put down to Alter Bridge and Motörhead with a little Black Stone Cherry, Mötley Crüe, Stone Sour and Tool. Mostly. There’s a ton more.
In 2020 I finally decided that there would be no better time than to throw myself into this full time and permanently, become a starving artist and try to make something of the music that’s always buzzing around in my head. And now it’s finally time to inflict it on all of you.
Frank Loots
It puts the music in the ear.
And then it ROCKS